Selasa, 18 September 2012

These 3 Develop Government's style ' electric car ' Made in Indonesia

Jakarta -the Government is serious about preparing for electric cars. The Government has devised a special programme 3 to develop electric cars locally. Anything at all?

"Electric cars that now we're manage, there are three programs. The first is how the design and his research under Mendiknas. The second concerns the third production incentives, fiskalnya massalnya what it looks like, "said Coordinating Minister for the economy Hatta Rajasa when found in the Capitol, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday (16/8/2012).

Related incentive programs that will be given to the development of electric cars, Hatta claimed form of incentives could be given an assortment.

"It's certainly an incentive to increase production in his country. If there's any imports we waive import duties and so on, "he added.

Previously, Hatta ever hope, electric car type city car like Ahmadi, Depok Dasep studies could be mass produced and sold at an affordable price. If necessary, the price of electric cars that can be sold not far-away from a million faithful price ' car ' Toyota Avanza.

In the near future will issue regulations to set about the incentives and the development of electric cars. This is to increase the competitiveness of domestically-made electric cars.

Hatta also explains, later if mass-produced, electric car must contain a minimum of 70% of local components. "Must be above 70% for primary batteries, the structure that we have, we have platnya, its components we have then we develop transmission system, the tires we've got," close Hatta.


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