Kamis, 27 September 2012

The Airline Was Able To Fund The Unification Of Airport Tax Endapkan & Tickets

Jakarta -offing passanger service charge or better known airport tax will blend with the airfare.

There are a variety of responses regarding those concepts, one of which comes from public policy Agus Pambagio Observers who assess the airport tax plan the unification of plane tickets can bring up the indication airport tax by use of funds for the benefit of other airlines before deposited to Angkasa Pura as the airport manager.

"The problems between the airline and the airport manager (Angkasa Pura), later his money could be deposited it, ' says Envoy to detikFinance, Friday (24/8/2012).

Unification of airport tax into the early stages of airplane tickets are done by the airline Garuda Indonesia on September 1, 2012. Rate, the concept of integrating Agus airport tax and ticket is good policy because passengers don't have to queue or waiting for the airport tax refund payments.

However, the need was reaffirmed when the delivery of the money earned from passengers to Angkasa Pura.

"When will he need to trasfer Airline (airport tax) to the airport manager because it's money for the airport, conducted" strictly speaking.

In addition, there should be information explaining Agus clear about magnitude airport tax imposed for each airport.

"Prices should be obvious because later there could be perselisahan between the airport and airline management," Agus lid.


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