Senin, 03 September 2012

Market Flash eTrading

Jakarta -In trading Tuesday (14/8) the Dow Jones Index closed up 3 points (+ 0.08%) to 1, in the middle of the descent 172.10 stocks based on technology and financial cons out retail sales data recorded better than its original estimate.

Light sweet crude traded as low as US $ 93.21 per barrel in New York after US oil stocks rose for the first time recorded in the last three weeks.

IHSG yesterday (14/8) closed up 19 points (+ 0.46%) to 4, with foreigners was recorded doing 121.55 net buy in regular market amounted to Rp127 billion, with the most heavily bought stocks featured ASII, SMGR, BBRI, LSIP and BBNI.

Rupiah currency terapresiasi to 9,488 per u.s. Dollar.

In technical, TRADE on at the moment are on point support channel in his sideways.

Slow Stochastic and MACD looking to form deathcross Histogram was still in the negative area.

Today (15/8) tend to TRADE on the move is expected to be mixed with dikisaran 4,082-3.763 stocks that can be noticed, and it featured MNCN KOBX RALS.


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