"We will continue to ' cluster ' classifications or perangi-cluster in the world of work at the tax office, as currently there are still many employee-an employee who worked as a tax in choosing friends or group on the basis of the graduates or college graduates come from nowhere, STAN or non BOOTH," said Secretary Ditjen Pajak Dedi Rudaedi to detikFinance, Sunday (19/8/2012).
According to Dedi, every employee working in the Tax should be one Ditjen, subsume themselves without having to be based on the background of his education.
"When it's entered, yes they are Diyakini all employees tax status, not employees or non tax STAN STAN. Or from the how it all works, one, in order to raise State income taxes, chasing a target of the requested State and fosters better value in any tax employees, "he said.
Dedi said also, currently every employee tax is not always identical came from STAN. "These employees are not always Now comes from STAN, 50: 50 with other colleges," said Dedi.
Menurtnya, does not mean a graduate non booth at Ditjen Pajak cannot be accomplished or cannot assume important positions in Diyakini.
"The proof of the current Tax Fuad Enam Rahmany comes from UI graduates (University of Indonesia). There are also officials in tax stemming from other Ditjen GADJAH MADA UNIVERSITY (Universitas Gajah Mada) and other universities, "sparks a Dedi alumni BOOTH.
Ditjen Pajak also invites to all employee ranks to give feat merapatkan best for institutions with upholding the values in the Ministry of finance. So the mission to raise tax revenue amounting to $ 1.031 billion in 2013 could be achieved.
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