Jumat, 14 September 2012

Get ready! FUEL and electricity price Rises next year

Jakarta -in order to suppress subsidies budget rapidly and significantly, the Government will propose an increase in the Basic Rate of electricity (TDL) and the price of FUEL subsidies next year, after years of failed because it was not approved by the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES.

The Government had hoped, the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES would smooth the next year plans price increases FUEL subsidies and TDL.

"Indeed the most immediate lowering subsidies indeed increase in TDL and FUEL, but this should be by the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES. So if it's important to lose subsidies is realized, then if the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES and the Government agreed the problem is finished, "said Jero when found in the Capitol, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday (16/8/2012).

According to Jero, plans an increase in TDL and FUEL to be submitted on the draft STATE BUDGET (RAPBN) 2013. The scheme used is rising gradually so as not to burden the public.

"The idea here, if it's up at once, perhaps later excited we raise electricity every 3 months, let me not seem dicicil-cicil. Maybe 4% every 3 months, each quarter up 4%, "explains Jero.

Jero asserts, with plans of rising FUEL, TDL and at least energy subsidies budget can be pressed to Rp 200 trillion. Not yet known how much increase in FUEL subsidies and TDL next year.

"Actually, if you can raise the FUEL, TDL and Rp 200 trillion could be, but it's tough," she said.

Jero added, a subsidy budget reached Rp 300 trillion this year membjat the country's ability in building infrastructure is very low, because the budget is sucked on shopping subsidy.

"State of the Union speech earlier on, it was clear that subsidies too big almost Rp 300 trillion, so our ability to build an infrastructure that's so reduced, including health and education as means of subsidies is too much to absorb," he explained.

According to Jero, from both sectors these subsidies, an increase in TDL can do faster than the increase in prices of FUEL subsidies. "It looks like an easier," he asserts.


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